Causes of Insomnia

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Written by : Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Snoring, OSA, Sleepless, Na
Title : Causes of Insomnia

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Causes of Insomnia

Causes of Insomnia
Most people will experience Insomnia with the inability to fall asleep and significant lack of high quality sleep.
A Primary /Transient Insomnia lasts from a single night to a few weeks
A Acute / Intermittent Insomnia which happens from time to time.
It is often result from a more short term stress, change in lifestyles habits or job ad jet lag.
A Chronic Insomnia which happen most nights a week over a month or even more. It can be Primary Chronic Insomnia and Secondary Chronic Insomnia.
Primary do not related to health problem while Secondary do related to health problem such asthma or arthritis and some other drugs, stress and depression.
What can cause Insomnia ?
1) The Psychological Cause
-> Anxiety and Stress: You can experience Insomnia when you have an increased in tension, feeling worry and helplessness and some others physical and social stress.
-> Depression: You can experience Insomnia when you feel despair and sad that lead to depression.
Vulnerable to Insomnia : Some people are more likely to experience Insomnia , just like they are more likely to get upset and headache,
-> Learned Insomnia : People knowing himself suffer insomnia usually try much harder to sleep. Unfortunately, it made him more alert and even harder to fall asleep.
2) Physical Causes
-> Hormonal changes in women: Women are twice as likely to suffer from Insomnia than men during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.
-> Decreased melatonin in elderly: Insomnia tends to increase with age when the level of melatonin (the hormone for helping sleep control) decrease as a person ages.
-> Medical problems: You can experience Insomnia when there is sleep disruption such as asthma, headache, heart disease and Parkinson's disease.
3) Temporary Event Causes
-> Jet Lag: It is very common to have Insomnia when your have air travel across time zones.
-> New environment: It is also common to have sleep problem when moving into a new place.
4) Environmental Causes
-> Noise, light and room temperature: Noises such as traffic or airplane can disturb your sleep. Even though it may not cause you to wake up, if has significant effect on your sleep quality.
5) Lifestyle Causes
-> Alcohol and Caffeine Drinks: They will stimulate your body cells and keep you awaken.
-> Smoking: Nicotine is a stimulant. It will make you more difficult to fall asleep and keep you awaken.
-> Erratic hours: You are more likely to experience Insomnia if you are on shift work with rotating working hours.
-> Herbal supplements: Some kinds of herbal supplements may boost energy and keep you awake.
Understanding the causes of your sleeplessness can help to overcome the Insomnia . Our quality sleep can often affect by the normal routines and stresses we face daily. We can cure insomnia by eliminating these barriers.
Causes of Insomnia

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