Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders - Hello friends Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Snoring, OSA, Sleepless, Na, On this occasion I will discuss the article entitled Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders, I have provided various other latest articles. hopefully the article that I wrote is useful for you all..

Written by : Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Snoring, OSA, Sleepless, Na
Title : Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

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Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

Do I have a Sleep Disorders?
For adult, we need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. However not everyone is able to get the comfortable 8 hours we need. Having a good night sleep is very important for us to maintain our best mental and physical health. Many people left their sleep disorders untreated. Without finding out the underlying causes, it will further put our health in risk.

To determine whether you have sleep disorders or not, recording a sleep dairy can help. A sleeping habits history can help you and your doctor to find out the causes. Your sleep dairy show include the following:-
→ Time go to bed
→ Time wake up
→ Number of sleep hours
→ Times you wake up during night
→ How to you rate your sleep, not good, fair or good
→ Your activity before bed
→ Your last meal time before bed
→ Any smoking, alcohol and caffeine drinks before bed
→ Any drugs or medications taken. What time and amount you have take.

Types of Sleep Disorders
There are more than 100 types of sleep disorder.
→ Insomnia (lack of sleep) being the well known
→ Sleep Apnea
→ REM Sleep behavior disorder
→ RSL Restless leg syndrome
→ Narcolepsy (excessive sleep)

Insomnia (Lack of Sleep)
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep and significant lack of high-quality sleep. Insomnia is being the most well known type of sleep disorder people experiencing. It can be short-term or long-term. A sleeping pill can be effective for short-term insomnia but not for long-term insomnia.

Symptoms of Insomnia
→ Very difficult to fall asleep even you feel very tired
→ Awaken frequently during night time
→ Awaken very early in morning
→ Lack of energy in daytime
→ Short temper
→ Take sleeping pills in order to fall asleep

Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder that people will temporarily stop breathing during their sleep. The stop (“without breath”) can last of 10 seconds, a minute or even longer as the airway is being obstructed. It can happen from 20 - 30 within an hour to a few hundred times during a single might sleep.
Sleep Apnea can be caused by either a complete blockage of the airway (called Obstructive Apnea) or by a partial blockage (called Obstructive hypopnea, where hypopnea is a shallow breathing).

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
→ Excessive daytime sleepiness
→ Fall asleep in work time or watching TV
→ Fall asleep when driving
→ Regularly cessation of breathing during sleep time
→ Non restorative sleep
→ Feel un freshed and exhausted in morning wake up
→ Behavior changes
→ personality changes
→ Hard to concentrate

RLS Restless Leg Syndrome
RLS is a neurologic sensorimotor disorder resulting in prickly or tingling sensations in the legs when the legs are at rest. RLS symptoms are temporarily relieved by movement or pressure.

Narcolepsy (Excessive sleep)
People with narcolepsy will fall asleep uncontrollably throughout the day. It can happen at anytime even your body is in moving motion.

Symptoms of Narcolepsy
→ Cataplexy
→ Sleep paralysis
→ Hypnagogic hallucinations

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Symptoms, Types, Treatments: Sleep Disorders

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